Ti Mo, Slow Fashion from Oslo

The Norwegian designer and business woman Tine Mollatt grew up in Oslo. She stated dancing ballet at four, she moved on to the thatre stage at age ten and by seventeen she was sewing costumes for the Opera.
A Danish poet once wrote: Our childhood is a source from which we ladle our whole life. For founder and creator of by Ti Mo, Tine Mollatt, this was where it all started. Since its launch in 2004 Ti Mo has gradually expanded and now counting almost 1000 stores in 22 countries, with the To Mo concept store situated in central Oslo, Norway.

@ Ti Mo SS12

Tine is inspired by vintage treasures, visits to the opera houses and galleries and also by taking part in the whole process of creating each piece. After years in the commercial industry Tine needed time to think about what was important to her. Ti Mo is part of the Slow Fashion movement, producing high quality clothing in a sustainable way.

Useful Links
Ti Mo
SustainaBlog about Slow Fashion

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