Step into Summer with Camilla Skovgaard

So I simply refuse to talk more about fun and colourful rainwear and wellies. It’s time to be optimistic and plan to step into Summer -in style! These gorgeous heels from Camilla Skovgaard does it completely for me!

© Camilla Skovgaard

I actually discovered this brand in a second hand store in London. I noted down the brand, thought about it over night and went back the next day to buy the pair -but it had already been snapped up by someone who knew their fashion labels. Shame! So Camilla Skovgaard has been on my radar ever since. Every sesaon she captures silouettes and forms them into extrodinary stylish footwear for feisty young women with enough attitude to wear them. We love her signature sole and the more femenine styles, although secretly impressed by the more bold ones as well. What do you think? Have you been to Selfridges to have a look?

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