Norwegian Designerkollektivet moves to GlasMagasinet August 2013

The designers collective, Designerkollektivet in Oslo Norway are about to expand. They will be moving from Aker Brygge to the prestigious GlasMagasinet in the city centre of Oslo. GlasMagasinet, located on Stortorvet, is one of Norway’s oldest and most famous department stores. Designerkollektivet was launched in 2009 by a group of Norwegian designers, with the aim of promoting emerging talents and great Norwegian design as well as making it more available to the general public. With the move the concept shop are hoping to include more designers.
© Vera&William

So far there’s been more than 50 independent designers involved in the project, with names including Jumina, Fam Irvoll, Vera&William, TSH, Tina Haagensen, Daniel Sørensen, Peter Løchstøer, Undorn and Arne&Carlos.
© Bine

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