Blog Love: My Scandinavian Home showcasing Nordic interior

Don’t you just love it too… Peeking inside other people homes!? Not because you are nosy but really just because you are on a constant search for inspiration for your own home?

Well, I’m certainly picking up ideas on how to improve my own home by visiting other people homes. However, as you can only invite yourself to so many people… Best thing, and far more relaxing, is to browse through inspirational homes online.
There’s a Swedish blog that are a constant stream of delightful home and style inspiration, My Scandinavian Home. The blog is a niche blog carefully curated by Swedish blogger Niki, featuring Scandinavian homes around the globe.
And as a lover of the typical Scandinavian style; functional, minimalistic and natural -I love every post that’s published.

Here’s a small selection of the various homes that’s been featured so far on My Scandinavian Home:

Home of family home in Ystad, Sweden, as seen here

Lovely Swedish sitting rooms, here.

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