Bloglove FROIDETHUMIDE by Milla

This weeks BLOGLOVE goes to fellow Scandinavian fashion and lifestyle blogger, Milla with her blog FROIDETHUMIDE. Only discovered this blog last week and still vading myself through inspirational fashion updates as well as busy trying out her yummy food recipes!

Milla is originally from Finland but now living in Tallin where she’s studying business. She’s a self acclaimed ‘Foodie and shopping addict’. And on her blog she is promising to keep us entertained, blogging about her every day interests such as food, clothing, music and urban life.

Why we love?

1. The fashion
We are kept up to date on fashion trends, with reports direct from Copenhagen Fashion Week etc. Her NEW IN TRF posts made us go straight online to Zara to secure the above dress…

2. The food
poached egg
There’s inspirational food posts, with easy to follow delicious and healthy recipes. In the Breakfast Sandwich she’s teaching us how to make a porched egg. And it warmes our Scandi hearts to see details such as IKEA napkins…

3. Its simplicity
The minimalistic Scandinavian blog template.

Click yourself over to to check it out for yourself!

Next BLOGLOVE to follow on Saturday 20th of June. x

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