Nora, a members club for Norwegian women in London

Nora offers Norwegian female professionals a place to meet, socialise and network in London. With monthly meetings with everything from guided tours in the city centre to interesting speeches the members always have something enjoyable to look forward to. The non profit organisation is open to new members, annual fee for 2013 being only £25. This covers light refreshments etc on the meetings. Additional fee may apply on certain events such a wine tasting and the Christmas dinner.
Nora creates an informal meeting place for Norwegian women abroad, where all are most welcome.
nora_i_london_norwegian_networking_clubnora_i_london_members_club© Nora i London. From Nora’s April meeting, a London guided gaslight tour
nora_i_london_17_mai_meetingnora_i_london_mai_meeting© Nora i London. From Nora’s May 2012 meeting, a evening pre celebration of 17.mai

I’m of course a member of Nora. I find it really interesting, both to meet new and old friends but also the variety of events you normally would not attend on your own. It’s a great way to explore London together with other fellow Norwegian women. I highly recommend giving it a try. You can come along to one meeting to see if this is something for you.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 14th May 2013. Follow the Nora blog to find out more.

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    Hei, jeg er en norsk kvinne som har bodd i London i 1,5 år og fikk høre om dere for ikke så lenge siden. Jeg ønsker å komme på ett av deres meetups. Er dette mulig og i såfall når og hvor er deres neste møte?
    Ser frem til å høre fra dere.



    • Hi Dilawaiz. Please contact Nora directly! I’m sure they would be most welcoming! Best wishes, Bianca

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