Skandinavisk KOSE – long burning scent free candle lights

Two English chaps, who fell in love with two blonde Scandinavian girls… This is the intro to the Copenhagen based company, SKANDINAVISK. They’ve captured the essence of the Scandinavian word KOSE. It’s about creating those small moments. Create space, and time for each other. To enjoy some quality time, in between everyday chores and stress.

Now Skandinavisk has designed a scent free candle that’ll burn for at least 140 hours. That’s a lot of KOSE!

© Go Scandinavian

As a Scandinavian living in the UK I’m finding it hard to find good quality candles. In Scandinavia, any grocery shop will have a great selection of everything from tea candles to church candles.
Luckily -I’ve now discovered the online shop, with FREE shipping at the moment,

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1 Comment

  • Lovely pictures – thanks Bianca!

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